- I think I might end up having to be a whistleblower.
- SHE called my aunt the other day, asking for money to put on the books. She's in for possession or solicitation, (or both), through Christmas Eve.
- I think that he is going to allow HER to drag him through the mud. She's evil incarnate.
- I think that the 'lady' that my friend met over the internet, the one he is falling hard for, the one he sent me a picture of, is not a lady at all.
- I am in love with someone and it's an impossible relationship to ever have.
- My friend has a stalker on his hands. He met her a week ago, she wants to meet his family and friends, gave him a list of books to read, and gave him a checklist of what he needs to adjust in his life.
- One of my friends is very lonely and she covers it well with shiny pretty things.
- One of my friends is in love with me and doesn't have a chance in hell of getting with me for any number of reasons, none of which have anything to do with physical attraction.
- I think I've met the devil.
- Our church is in the process of "Adventures in New Pastors" and it's been a rough road and a rough ride. I miss my pastor terribly.
- I look a hot mess because my hairstylist just got out of the hospital.
- How do you tell someone that they are alienating you and others around them, even though they are only being themselves?
- My car tags, paid in full, have not arrived in MONTHS. DMV says they sent them, DMV (in person) I haven't went too because it's sheer terror, and AAA still says I owe a hundred bucks.
- My property owner is nosey as hell, I don't like him and he knows I don't like him.
- I have got one more chance to fix something and if I don't I'm screwed for three months, minimum.
- People from my former job keep calling me asking me HR questions because they are not getting the help that they need. :(
- My friend called me and told me that the Sears gift card that I bought for her niece as a baby shower gift was confiscated by the portrait studio manager because it was invalid.
- My brother is missing in action and he owes my mom twenty bucks.
Well, not really 99 problems, but that's enough don't you think? As my mother says, I'm not complaining, just explaining. I'll elaborate on any two subjects you want me to, (subject to my discretion, but you'll have to submit your vote.
You got any problems you wanna get off your chest? Any questions about mines?